Fri, Apr 8, 2022 - Sun, Apr 10, 2022
- Friday, Apr 8, 2022, All day
- Saturday, Apr 9, 2022, All day
- Sunday, Apr 10, 2022, All day
Event Details
Georgia Institute of Technology students, faculty, and staff are proudly taking part in the 2022 ACCelerate Festival, a celebration of creative exploration and innovative research happening at the intersection of science, engineering, arts, and design. Featuring teams from universities and colleges across the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and the Smithsonian Institution, the Festival promotes cutting-edge creative work from a new generation of thinkers. This year’s event, to be held April 8 – 10, 2022, will be the third time the ACC institutions have gathered in DC, and Georgia Tech is honored to have been represented at each Festival to date.
The two Georgia Tech teams participating in the 2022 ACCelerate Festival come from the School of Architecture at the College of Design, and the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. Georgia Tech’s participation in ACCelerate is managed by Georgia Tech Arts, a department in the Division of Student Engagement and Well-Being.
Visit the profile pages below to learn more about the Heart Sense and Walking in the Footsteps of History teams and their experiences at the 2022 ACCelerate Festival.
More on ACCelerate Creativity and Innovation Festival
The ACCelerate Festival, a celebration of creative exploration and innovative research happening at the intersection of science, engineering, arts, and design. Featuring teams from universities and colleges across the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and the Smithsonian Institution, the Festival promotes cutting-edge creative work from a new generation of thinkers.
Georgia Tech has been…
More on Heart Sense
Heart Sense is one of the two teams from Georgia Tech to be selected to participate in the 2022 ACCelerate Festival, a celebration of creative exploration and innovative research happening at the intersection of science, engineering, arts, and design.
Heart Sense
“How can the very creation, rendering, and experiencing of biological data contribute to a…