The installation Loop is a creation of Olivier Girouard, Jonathan Villeneuve, and Ottoblix.
Loop is a co-production of EKUMEN and the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership.
EKUMEN - EKUMEN is a Montreal-based production company working in the audio and media arts. For the last decade, the organization has been highlighting sound in a variety of settings, including concerts, installations and stage productions. Visit EKUMEN website.
OLIVIER GIROUARD - Olivier Girouard goes off the beaten path to find inspiration for his works: a link between two co-occurring ideas; a sound profile undergoing a transformation. He strives to reinvent our relationship with hearing, by working with artists in dance and visual arts. A producer and promoter of audio works, he is the artistic director of Ekumen. He has won several awards, including first prize of the Hugh Le Caine Prize (2008) presented by the Socan Foundation, and the JTTP first prize (2009). His works have been presented in North America, South America and Europe.
JONATHAN VILLENEUVE - Jonathan Villeneuve is an artist with DIY sensibilities who creates poetic machines by assembling familiar materials and giving them new functions. His works move, emit light and make sounds, allowing viewers to come to their own conclusions about the device’s imaginary function. He is a graduate of the media and visual arts program at UQAM (2006) and of the MFA/Open Media program at Concordia University (2009). His solo work has been presented regularly in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. As well as participating in numerous collaborative digital-art projects presented at festivals and events in Europe, in June 2014 he presented his solo work at the International Triennial of New Media Art at the National Museum of China in Beijing. In September 2015, he unveiled a monumental digital public artwork, Le grand bleu du Nord, created for the new multi-purpose arena in Quebec City.
OTTOBLIX - Founded in 2004, the company has more than a decade of experience with multidisciplinary projects. Ottoblix has built a loyal clientele by being creative, attentive to client needs and by creating custom teams for each project. Visit Ottoblix website.
GÉNÉRIQUE DESIGN - The studio designs specialized objects for digital art, interactive design and public installations. It has worked on several projects in collaboration with the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, including Maëstro (Atomic3), Les 21 Balançoires/21 Swings (Daily tous les jours), Impulsion (Lateral Office and CS Design, Luminothérapie 2015-16). Visit their website.
Concept & execution: Olivier Girouard & Jonathan Villeneuve
Animations: Ottoblix
Industrial design: generique design
Electronic design & programming: Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
Technical support: Adsum Lab
Mechanical consultant: Jérôme D. Roy (Terrafirma)
Audio programming: Dominic Thibault
Sound: Olivier Girouard
Production: Quartier des Spectacles Partnership & Ekumen (Montreal, Canada)
Tour production: Creos