Meet the team behind Raise Your Hand, installed at the Ferst Center for the Arts from November 1-14, 2022.
Developed in part by Electronic ARTrium, a Vertically Integrated Project at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Raise Your Hand was created by students and faculty from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the School of Music, the School of Industrial Design, and the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
Electronic ARTrium VIP class
Fall 2022: Leila Baniassad, Deborah Fidler, Kate Garner, Enya Gu, Bhargavi Gundla, Rebecca Ho, Sakshi Kakkad, Vishwanth Kopula, Steven Le, Melissa Leng, Leon Ma, Sahit Mamidipaka, Natasha Mohanty, Alex Nguyen, Kevin Sadi, Pranathi Singareddy, Natalie Stevens, Chelsea Tang, Rebecca Tull, Meredith Vaughan, Charles Wronski. Spring 2022: Kyrsten Davis, Deborah Fidler, Bhargavi Gundla, Wendy Han, Jie Hui, Steven Le, Leon Ma, Alex Nguyen, Riya Patel, Kevin Sadi, Pranathi Singareddy, Natalie Stevens, Rebecca Tull, Charles Wronski, Faith Xu. Fall 2021: Elizabeth Bang, Walker Barrett, Julia Budenstein, Jake Cooper, Joyce Deng, Deborah Fidler, Charlie Gunn, Wendy Han, Jourdan Holmes, Jie Hui, William Kang, Rachel Kim, Erica Kim, Paola Montemayor, Neo Pak, Riya Patel, Vaishnavi Ramanan, Pranathi Singareddy.
Senior Capstone Design Teams:
Lovely Interactive Worm Team: Garrett Botkin, Bailey Griffin, Kakeru Kobayashi, Bailey Rende, Riley Wilkins
Interactive Blooming Flower Team: Audrey Ahlenius, Katie Bishop, Matthew Johnson, Elena Michnovicz, Aditya Munagapati, Mohit Singh
LIDAR Intrusion and Occupancy Detection Team: Jacob Cananaugh, Cameron Khanpour, Connor Latimer, Chanhuyng Shim, Alan Simms, Jacob Sussman
Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Students:
Zuyu Chen, School of Music
Xinyi Cao, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
SURE Undergraduate Students:
Camden Cummings, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michael Tizano, Grambling University
ENGAGE High School Students:
Noah Morales, Senior, B.E.S.T. Academy
Chloe Evans, Senior, Coretta Scott King Young Women's Leadership Academy
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Student Assistants:
Uzma Mhate, Hetika Chhapia
Georgia Tech Faculty:
Mary Ann Weitnauer, Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thomas Martin, Principal Research Engineer, Electro-Optic Systems Laboratory, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Alex Cohen, Technical Director, School of Music
Jacqueline Rohde, Academic Professional, ECE Assessment Coordinator and Learning Specialist
Noah Posner, Research Scientist II, Imagine Lab, Lab Manager of Interactive Product Design Lab (IPDL), School of Industrial Design
Mentors from L3Harris:
Eli Duval
Tiffany Chau
Sean McNeil
Ben Barger
Kolbe Nix